HostSailor became cPanel Authorized NOC partner. This partnership will let us offer cPanel/WHM licenses for very competitive price, only 14$/month.Write A review about us on Cpanel website from this link (Click Here) What is cPanel? cPanel is a graphical web-based control panel that helps you quickly and easily manage your website and hosting ... Leia mais... »
What is Softaculous ?
What is the Meaning of this ?
We will offer cheaper prices to our clients for Softaculous Starting at 1.5$ for VPS License
Please use "DEDISAILOR" it gives you 10% discount with all dedicated servers: - If you pay 3 months you get 5% default discount + 10% discount. - If you pay 6 months you get 10% default discount + 10% discount. - If you pay 12 motnhs you get 15% default discount + 10% discount. Please use "SANTASAILOR" it gives you 25% discount with all ... Leia mais... »
We have doubled our cores on all our XEN and KVM (Linux & Windows) plans for the same price, double the power with your XEN and KVM platforms!
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