IPv6 Management from VPS Control panel

We are providing one /64 IPv4 subnet with every VPS purchasing from us. You can simply manage the IPv6 addresses from the VPS control panel itself. Once the subnet is assigned to the server, it will be displayed on the Control panel management section under the 'Network' tab. The options are slightly different with different virtualization platforms based on the technology.

1. OpenVZ Servers:

  • You can manage the subnet using the 'Network' tab. Click on manage option there next to the subnet assigned to the server. You can add new IP's from there and it will work instantly since it is in OpenVZ platform.
  • The added IP's can be viewed and removed from there as well.
  • You can set rDNS for the IP's by clicking 'Edit' option there next to each IP's you have added.

2. Xen Servers:

  • You can manage the subnet using the 'Network' tab. Click on manage option there next to the subnet assigned to the server. But in the Xen platform, you will need to reboot the server after adding the IP's.
  • The added IP's can be viewed and removed from there but a reboot is needed in order to take effect the removals as well.
  • You can set rDNS for the IP's by clicking 'Edit' option there next to each IP's you have added, no reboot is needed there. 

3. KVM Servers:

  • You can manage the subnet using the 'Network' tab. Click on manage option there next to the subnet assigned to the server. In KVM platform, you need to use 'Reconfigure Networking' option from the Home screen of the control panel and wait to complete the reconfigure and a server reboot.
  • The added IP's can be viewed and removed from there but the reconfigure option is also needed here in order to take effect the removals as well.
  • You can set rDNS for the IP's by clicking 'Edit' option there next to each IP's you have added, no reboot is needed there. 

You can watch the video tutorial of this by clicking here.

  • ipv6 from solusvm, ipv6 management
  • 8 Users Found This Useful
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