Install Softaculous in WHM Server

Softaculous is a well known app installer and you can install almost 450 applications with it and it is easy to use. Softaculous can be integrated into cPanel and can be installed into cPanel with a few steps. It takes care of the complete lifecycle of the application from install to backup to update. Please use the following steps to do the installation:


  • If you have a tight firewall setup, you need to allow connections from *
  • You need to install ionCube Loaders on the server before installing Softaculous. You can simply install it from Easyapache based on the PHP version selected in the server.
  • You must have SSH access on the server with necessary privileges. 


  1. Download the package using wget command:
    # wget -N
  2. Providing execute permission:
    # chmod 755
  3. Install the script:
    # ./

    Once the installation is done, you will be able to see the Softaculous option under WHM > Plugins area.
  • softaculous whm, cpanel softaculous
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